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Science, Trust, Results

radiantlifemd • Feb 07, 2020

Science, Trust, Results 

The Rx Epigenetic, Ketogenic Diet is based upon the proper use of resistant carbohydrates, quality balanced fat and low protein portions. 
Science, Trust, Results 
(not sugar-coated)

If you are completely content with your body, energy level, health, lifestyle and diet, you may think there is no reason to consider a low carbohydrate diet. However, there is evidence-based research that proves a diet with higher simple carbohydrates (sugar) is very detrimental to your well-being. The following information will help you guide your future diet decisions.

Epigenetics is the study of how the environment influences our cells and genetic expression. Epigenetics explains how our cells interact with our environment and diet at the cellular level. This interaction results in either altering our health in a beneficial or detrimental way. We now know that our genetic make-up is influenced by epigenetics in such a way that our environmental stressors and lifestyle/diet can have a more powerful effect on our health (how we feel, perform and look) than the genes we inherited. Our genes respond to what we do and the environment we live in.

Our many years of knowledge and experience will guide you to maximize your current health and maintain an optimal body weight. We will help you break through your body weight plateaus, improve your body composition and increase your energy level. You need to allow your body to adjust to lowered insulin/leptin levels. The roles of insulin and leptin hormones in your body will be explained later. After reducing sugar in your diet for a period of seven days, you should notice a decrease in sugar cravings. Once you reduce sugar in your diet for a period of 3 to 6 months, you should see a significant transformation in your health and well-being. Normalizing your insulin levels is the most important factor for optimizing your overall health and decreasing disease risks of all kinds, from diabetes to heart disease to cancer and everything in between (flu, tiredness, stress, etc). Lower insulin and optimal vitamin D levels are two of the many elements to improving your health and weight. We will recommend laboratory testing of your biomarkers (health indicators) to ensure your well-being.

My health plan is based upon the science of calories and the fact that all calories are not created (nutritionally) equal. New and different ideas can be challenging, especially when dealing with food and the temptation associated with eating it. We encourage you to make the recommended changes to your habits and lifestyle and to observe the effects. Once eating habits are changed to healthy foods, most people no longer have to count calories.

We have created a comprehensive program that can have life changing effects. It’s time to change your habits and enjoy better health. As always, listen to your body! If any food, medication or supplement makes you sick in any way, stop it immediately. 

Lower Insulin - Less Calories of Carbs per Day, The Wrinkle with Carbs!
Insulin, ghrelin, glucagon and leptin are some of the hormones that regulate energy (sugar, protein and fat) in our bodies. Ghrelin – known as the hunger hormone – is produced primarily by your stomach. Leptin is a hormone produced by fat tissue. The more fatty tissue, the more leptin you have in your body. When leptin levels increase, you are likely to become leptin resistant. Leptin signals the brain to stop eating. Many people become leptin resistant, therefore, the brain does not respond to the message and you continue to eat. Leptin influences the vasoactive intestinal polypeptide which is a modulator of the central nervous system and influences your appetite. Ghrelin, leptin and insulin all help to regulate intake, however, they may be affected by stress, anger, sadness and just about any other emotion. The solution to normalizing your ghrelin, leptin and insulin levels is to eat a diet that emphasizes good fats, proteins and avoids blood sugar spikes by limiting good, non-resistant (low glycemic index vegetables) carbohydrates (sugar) to under 200 calories a day. Some people may be able to consume more than 200 calories of simple, nonresistant carbs a day. If you wish to determine what your carb capacity is, I recommend that you monitor your glucose and your ketone level with a meter. I refer to this as AGES: Advanced Glycation Evaluation System. You can consume up to 800 additional calories of carbs a day and still remain in ketosis when resistant starches are the source of the additional carbohydrates.

Glucagon is released when we eat a high protein meal. Protein is the most satiating macronutrient and helps with fat loss. Insulin is also released with a high protein meal to help send amino acids into the muscle tissue. Glucagon’s release with a high protein meal counterbalances insulin, preventing hypoglycemia by causing the liver to release glucose. High dietary carbohydrates produce a high level of insulin with none of the buffering effects of glucagon. High carbohydrate diets result in higher insulin levels and low Glucagon levels. High insulin levels result in more fat being formed and stored. When your insulin is high and glucagon is low, the adrenal glands are called upon to produce excess cortisol as a back-up response to increased blood sugar. This places stress on the adrenals and may contribute to adrenal fatigue if the stress is frequent (such as with a high carbohydrate diet). Symptoms of adrenal fatigue are fatigue, body aches, low blood pressure, lightheadedness, loss of body hair and skin discoloration. Glucagon has a satiety effect on our bodies which is one of the reasons a protein, low carb diet aids in fat loss. The bottom line for better health is to eat less sugar, less protein and consume more high-quality fat.   

Insulin is a chemical that is found in many organisms. Insulin’s primary purpose is to help the body store excess nutrients. A high carbohydrate diet is nothing more than a high glucose diet or high sugar diet. An elevated level of sugar in your bloodstream will cause an increase in insulin which will cause that excess sugar to be stored in the form of saturated fat (all the carbon atoms are saturated with hydrogen atoms) vs. unsaturated fat (the carbon atoms are not full with hydrogen atoms). Insulin will also build muscle, store protein and magnesium. When you continually take in more energy than your body needs, your body will become insulin resistant and decrease your ability to store magnesium. When magnesium blood levels decrease, your blood vessels will constrict. This causes an increase in blood pressure and a reduction in energy because magnesium is required for all energy producing reactions on a cellular level. When you raise your insulin levels, your body loses magnesium through urination. When your blood vessels constrict, glucose and insulin can’t get into the tissues and you become more insulin resistant. Magnesium is necessary for your body to produce insulin. This destructive cycle is created by excess sugar consumption. This is a vital point to understand with regard to calorie/carb restricted diets. Insulin will also cause retention of sodium which in turn causes the retention of fluids.

Elevated insulin levels will elevate blood lipid levels. Lowering your insulin level will lower your blood triglyceride level. Elevated insulin levels will raise your LDL (bad) cholesterol.

The cells in your body becomes insulin resistant in an effort to protect themselves from the harmful effects of high insulin. The best way to control your insulin is through a low carbohydrate, calorie-controlled diet (total calories per day adjusted to your lifestyle/activity level). A sign of insulin resistance is weight gain.

Many of the hormones in our body are actually built upon insulin. The pituitary gland produces a growth hormone which is then converted by the liver into IGF (Insulin-like Growth Factor). IGF has a very similar molecular structure to insulin.

If your liver becomes insulin resistant, it can affect the conversion of the thyroid hormone T4 to T3. Therefore, for your thyroid gland to function appropriately, insulin levels must not be elevated.

Insulin also helps control sex hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone and their predecessor component cholesterol. The more insulin resistant you are, the greater probability of having hormonal imbalances. Insulin affects every hormone in your body.

Every time your cells are exposed to insulin they are going to become more insulin resistant. If you can keep your insulin levels low, you will slow down the rate at which your cells become insulin resistant.

All sugars whether it be glucose, fructose (fruits) or galactose (milk) will elevate your insulin level and contribute to increasing your insulin resistance, except resistant starches (RS) when eaten raw or at room temperature, if cooked.

When a Carb is Not a Carb?

Resistant starches (RS), due to their being resistant to enzymes, behave differently in your gut than corn, rice, wheat, other starches, and simple sugars. Resistant starches - such as yams, taro and plantains - pass through the small intestine intact, unlike starches and simple sugars, which are quickly converted to glucose (blood sugar) and then burned for energy or stored as fat. Therefore, RS don’t get absorbed as blood sugar and don’t elevate your insulin. Instead, your large intestine gut microbes eat the RS and grow good friendly bacteria in your gut that maintain your mucus filter in the gut’s lining which helps protect you from lectins. The large intestine bacteria digest the RS and turn it into short chain fatty acids. The RS allows the bacteria to produce an important short chain fatty acid called Butyrate, which is the preferred fuel of the cells that live in your large intestine.

By radiantlifemd 21 Dec, 2020
Discover why you need to protect against the effects of these 3 ‘ memory killers ’ immediately to help boost brain power and improve your memory 25% and lose weight. If you’ve ever felt frustrated, confused, and ANGRY because you keep losing track of your cell phone or Forgetting important appointments, directions and phone numbers. how to make specific Foods - which many of us to eat every single day - are wracking havoc on your brain. Yes top neuroscientist in the world say these 3 Foods - not aging or genetics - alone are destroying your precious memories and sapping your brainpower. Harvard University MD and medical editor dr. Eva selhub was recently quoted as saying, “Like an expensive car, your brain functions best when it gets only premium fuel… your brain power can be damaged if you ingest [ foods like these “ memory killer”]... Dr. Suzanna de la Monte, medical professor at Brown University, says just one of these memory killers it's behind the huge increase in older people with memory problems: “We believe that the matter increases due to exposure [to this memory killer] rather than genetics…” I'm leaving urologist dr. David Perlmutter says protect against the effects of one of these memory killers… “ paves the way for better brain help and resistance to age-related mental decline” Memory Killer #1 is refined carbohydrates These are found in foods like white bread, pasta, donuts and sweets. as much as we all love these foods the research is clear -- They are eating away at your memories and causing weight gain. Find carbohydrates - like those found in white bread rice and sweets - are very bad for your memory and fat production. “Bad carbs” Cause of something called oxidative stress which is like rusting metal and producing fat! Refined carbs are everywhere! Pasta, white rice, crackers, cakes, cookies, Bagels, Donuts, muffins, white bread, baked desserts and more. Memory Killer #2 is Flavoring It's the chemical used to give a buttery flavor to popcorn - diacetyl. Diacetyl Is linked to the formation of amyloid proteins in your brain. Diacetyl is in thousands of foods like margarine, candy, baked goods and more. Give these Foods a rich buttery flavor and it's a lot cheaper for manufacturers to use than real butter. MSG, the “flavor enhancer” Used in Chinese foods oh, another flavor that causes health problems. This chemical excites nerve cells in the brain that respond to taste and causes you to overeat. That's why dr. Russell Blaylock, a prominent nutritionist and author calls MSG “the taste that kills.” This chemical is used in many foods including many you would never suspect, like Doritos, Pringles, fast food sandwiches, even Campbell's Soup. Regulations from the FDA, Do not require MSG to be listed as MSG. Instead it's disguised as one of these innocent sounding nicknames: Hydrolyzed vegetable protein Hydrolyzed protein Hydrolyzed plant protein Plant protein extract Sodium caseinate Calcium caseinate Yeast extract Textured protein Autolyzed yeast Hydrolyzed oat flour You have to be a scientist to know what to eat today. hidden chemicals, processed foods, lectins, hormone disruptors and many more that give you brain fog and excess fat weight! Rx weight loss has decoded the process of eating healthy for you. Our program teaches you the seven principles of weight loss and healthy lifestyle.
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