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Food that causes brain fog & weight gain

radiantlifemd • Dec 21, 2020

Food that causes brain fog & weight gain

Discover why you need to protect against the effects of these 3 ‘memory killers’ immediately to help boost brain power and improve your memory 25% and lose weight. 

If you’ve ever felt frustrated, confused, and ANGRY because you keep losing track of your cell phone or Forgetting important appointments, directions and phone numbers.

 how to make specific Foods - which many of us to eat every single day - are wracking havoc on your brain.  

Yes top neuroscientist in the world say these 3 Foods - not aging or genetics - alone are destroying your precious memories and sapping your brainpower. 

Harvard University MD and medical editor dr. Eva selhub was recently quoted as saying, “Like an expensive car, your brain functions best when it gets only premium fuel… your brain power can be damaged if you ingest [ foods like these “ memory killer”]...

Dr. Suzanna de la Monte, medical professor at Brown University, says just one of these memory killers it's behind the huge increase in older people with memory problems: 
“We believe that the matter increases due to exposure [to this memory killer] rather than genetics…”

I'm leaving urologist dr. David Perlmutter says protect against the effects of one of these memory killers…
“ paves the way for better brain help and resistance to age-related mental decline”

Memory Killer #1 is refined carbohydrates
These are found in foods like white bread, pasta, donuts and sweets. as much as we all love these foods the research is clear -- They are eating away at your memories and causing weight gain.

Find carbohydrates - like those found in white bread rice and sweets - are very bad for your memory and fat production. “Bad carbs” Cause of something called oxidative stress which is like rusting metal and producing fat!

Refined carbs are everywhere!
Pasta, white rice, crackers, cakes, cookies, Bagels, Donuts, muffins, white bread, baked desserts and more.  

Memory Killer #2 is Flavoring

It's the chemical used to give a buttery flavor to popcorn - diacetyl. Diacetyl Is linked to the formation of amyloid proteins in your brain. Diacetyl is in thousands of foods like margarine, candy, baked goods and more. Give these Foods a rich buttery flavor and it's a lot cheaper for manufacturers to use than real butter. 

MSG, the “flavor enhancer” Used in Chinese foods oh, another flavor that causes health problems. This chemical excites nerve cells in the brain that respond to taste and causes you to overeat. 

That's why dr. Russell Blaylock, a prominent nutritionist and author calls MSG “the taste that kills.”

This chemical is used in many foods including many you would never suspect, like Doritos, Pringles, fast food sandwiches, even Campbell's Soup. 

Regulations from the FDA, Do not require MSG to be listed as MSG. Instead it's disguised as one of these innocent sounding nicknames:
  • Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
  • Hydrolyzed protein
  •  Hydrolyzed plant protein
  •  Plant protein extract
  •  Sodium caseinate
  •  Calcium caseinate
  •  Yeast extract
  •  Textured protein
  •  Autolyzed yeast
  •  Hydrolyzed oat flour 

You have to be a scientist to know what to eat today. hidden chemicals, processed foods, lectins, hormone disruptors and many more that give you brain fog and excess fat weight! 

Rx weight loss has decoded the process of eating healthy for you. Our program teaches you the seven principles of weight loss and healthy lifestyle. 

By radiantlifemd 07 Feb, 2020
The Rx Epigenetic, Ketogenic Diet is based upon the proper use of resistant carbohydrates, quality balanced fat and low protein portions.
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